Training Beyond the Standard

Base Location

Premiere flight educational facility based in the Nelson Tasman.

Motueka Base

Our main theory and VFR flight training base is located at Motueka Aerodrome, a short 40 minute drive (or 15 minute flight) from Nelson Airport. Motueka Aerodrome is located in uncontrolled airspace, and therefore has no Air Traffic Control. This means that you will not experience any delays during your flight training, maximising every hour in the air. The first year of the Diploma in Aviation is spent at Motueka completing both your PPL and CPL licences. From there you will progress to our IFR training facility at Nelson Airport.

Nelson Base

Located in Airport House, Trent Drive, Nelson Airport, is our dedicated IFR training base headquarters. Nelson Airport is New Zealand's busiest domestic only airport. Here you will complete either your single or multi-engine instrument rating course in technically enhanced (glass cockpit) equipped aircraft. Training is available on VOR, ILS and GPS Navigational Aids. By operating out of Nelson Airport, students have the ability to easily access the required Navigational Aids and operate amongst scheduled commercial operations. Exposure to airline personnel and other commercial pilots makes Nelson an ideal IFR training location.