Training Beyond the Standard

Pastoral Care

Premiere flight educational facility based in the Nelson Tasman.

The Code of Practice

Nelson Aviation College has agreed to adhere to and be governed by The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021, which is accessible on the NZQA website here.

NZQA has prepared a series of videos to help you understand The Code which can be found here.

The purpose of The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 is to provide a framework for tertiary education providers to ensure the well-being and support of both domestic and international students. It sets out expectations for the quality of care and support services that institutions should offer to students. It aims to create a safe and conducive learning environment that promotes the overall well-being, welfare, and success of students in tertiary education settings.

Know the Code


Wellbeing and Safety Plan (WASP)

Nelson Aviation College has developed strategic goals and strategic plans for supporting the wellbeing and safety of our students at NAC, including student accommodation. Our Wellbeing and Safety Plan (WASP) describes how we give effect to the outcomes and processes required by The Code and details how we contribute to an education system that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi within our aviation training context.

Nelson Aviation College regularly reviews and amends the WASP.  The 2024-25 NAC Wellbeing and Safety Plan (WASP) can be found here.

The 2024 NAC Wellbeing and Safety Plan (WASP) can be found here.


Self-review is an ongoing process to examine Nelson Aviation College’s performance. It identifies strengths and weaknesses so we can make actual, worthwhile improvements to our practice.  It is a flexible, scalable, fit-for-purpose process. Self-review is a core component of quality assurance policies and criteria that under-pins our pastoral care and it is completed on an annual basis.

Our Self-review report can be viewed here.


Attestation is an annual declaration that NAC makes to NZQA. We attest that self-review of student wellbeing and safety practices under the Code is taking place.  Our latest attestation was made in November 2024.

Complaints and Disputes

At Nelson Aviation College, we are committed to providing a supportive learning environment and adhere to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. In the past year (2024), we have not received any formal complaints. At Nelson Aviation College we take student concerns seriously and have a clear complaints process as outlined in our exposition. Any complaints received are reviewed monthly by management to ensure fair resolution. We encourage students to raise any issues directly with us first through our open-door policy, so we have the opportunity to address them. If a student has followed our complaints process to completion and remains unsatisfied, they may seek further assistance from Study Complaints.

Study Complaints | Ngā amuamu tauira is the new, combined student contract dispute resolution scheme.
Students can contact the Study Complaints service about:
  • Financial matters
  • Contractual matters
  • Redress claims after an NZQA investigation.