Nelson Aviation College Boosts IFR Training with a New Simulator

Nelson Aviation College has significantly enhanced our Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) training capabilities with the addition of a state-of-the-art Simutech PAA G1000NXi Simulated Flight Trainer (SFT) and six new Simutech desktop touchscreen Procedure Trainers (PTs).
The SFT, designed to replicate the cockpit of the college's Piper Seminole PA44 twin-engine training aircraft, will enable students to log simulated ground time towards initial issue Instrument Rating requirements.
This valuable experience will help students prepare for actual flights, leading to increased training efficiency and reduced costs. The SFT will also be utilised by instructors for ongoing competency and currency training.
The new PTs will be used in the classroom, allowing students to repeatedly practice every procedure and manoeuvre required for IFR flying. This intensive training will ensure students maximise their time in both the SFT and the aircraft, ultimately increasing their chances of success on their Instrument Rating flight test.